Saturday, February 5, 2011


We the People of this Country are Disgusted,

Fianna Fail are out of government but a change of government doesn't solve all our problems no not by a long shot the next little dictator that needs to be de-throned is that bastard Ryan Tubridy not only is he a FF man throughandthrough but he and RTE have made an unholy mockery of the Late Late Show which was a shining beacon back in Gaybo's time Gaybo had class and he had balls he wasn't afraid to ask the hard questions and he broke so many taboos in this country like about the gays and sure didn't he launch Boyzone who were brilliant but now Tubbers and before him Pat Kenny have made an absolute dog's dinner of the Late Late getting celebrities in to talk to other celebrities about their personal experience of the economic crisis and ignoring abortion because they're completely detached from reality altogether only a few weeks ago while this country was in the throes of a leadership crisis they had Jim Corr and some ponce from the United Kingdom Independence Party saying how 9/11 was faked and climate change is a hoax well no one doubts that America had a hand in knocking over those towers but there are more important things to be talking about than a secret race of lizard people who control the world.

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