Saturday, October 30, 2010


We the People of this Country are Disgusted,

So Lady Gaga is after having a wedding cake in Dublin sure it's awful decadent and disgusting to be charging people so much to see her perform and then to be gorging on that and with no husband to show for it but people seem to like her all the same and in any case she's not like that crook Cowen telling us that we won't be a having a referendum on the Euro that's all well and good for you Mr Cowen but maybe that's what the People of this Country want you wouldn't have a clue because you've never asked them and now Fianna Fail want to get Packie Bonner elected in Donegal well he may have saved that penalty by the Romanians in Italia 90 but it's not Italia 90 any more its Eire 2010 and with the amount of people leaving the country we wouldn't mind letting in a few more Romanians.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


We the People of this Country are Disgusted,

So we wake up this morning and we see that Fianna Fail are at 18 percent in the polls 18 percent is like the kind of poll that the BNP have on a good day sure if you're leading the country you should at least have a higher approval rating than e-voting and sure I'm not surprised with the four Councillors arrested at the weekend and sure they were taking backhanders from businessmen and giving favours and all the sort of crap that Fianna Fail have been doing for years ever since that dead bastard Haughey and before and they're only carrying on a very fine Fianna Fail tradition and let me tell you Mister Donlydontonyfoxcolmmcgrathseangilbride you're scum who deserve to have the book thrown at you and sure look at the picture of Don Lydon doesn't he look like the sleaziest article you've ever seen and sure they should have locked him up years ago on suspicion of general awfulness.