Wednesday, November 24, 2010


We the People of This Country are Disgusted,

Occasionally there comes a time when the combined and undirected rage of the People comes together into a focused beam of anger and tonight the target is the four year plan ah here now lads this is the final nail in the coffin of Fianna Fail as if it wasn't enough that that chancer Bertie took us to the brink of the cliff and Cowen pushed us off now he's kicking our lifeless corpse and the stuff that's in this plan would make you vomit up your macaroon bars they're talking about cutting a euro off the minimum wage well that may not sound like a lot to you Mr.Cowen with your fourteen pensions and your ministerial cars but a euro an hour is a big deal when you're living on the breadline and they're now TAXING these people again so they have you coming and going and there's a lot of talk about the minimum wage how about a MAXIMUM WAGE BRIAN how about you take some of this pain you were talking about but you never will you bloody corrupt awful thing you're taxing people to oblivion you're cutting people's pay you're slashing services you're DESTROYING THIS COUNTRY and we the People will vote you and your rotten party out of existence if we have any backbone at all you need to get out get out get out NOW not March not January NOW.

Monday, November 22, 2010


We the People of This Country are Disgusted,

Finally after two years of making excuses and hiding behind their windmills the Greens aren't supporting Fianna Fail anymore and we might get an election in January but Cowen still thinks he'll last til February or March and no you won't Mr.Cowen you need to LEAVE NOW you're not wanted anymore you've lost the support of the People you've lost the support of the Greens you've even lost the support of your own party you're the worst Taoiseach this country has ever had bar none and that's saying something you awful eejit you need to feck off back to whatever hole you came from you're party is about to be destroyed and it's game over the jig is up you need to LEAVE.