Friday, September 10, 2010


We the People of This Country are disgusted,

As if it wasn't bad enough to be losing millions a day on a failed bank that were now separating into a bad bank and an even worse bank we're now told that we cant borrow money because all the other countries know that our government and the bankers are a load of chancers who cant be trusted with the money that they need to bail themselves out of the situation that they created and meanwhile Wayne Rooney and the the wife are having a fight because he slept with a load of prostitutes and hes asking her to take him back and were ignoring the tragic death this week of Triggs, the beloved dog of Roy Keane, and the only one who stayed faithful when he was vilified by the press and the media who are now telling us that the country is even worse that Iceland and each person in Iceland owes a hundred thousand euro and if you multiply that by the number of people in Ireland we owe at least a couple of trillion euros and they're telling us that we're in recovery well I don't see too many jobs being created and the Anglo doesn't look like its ending any time soon and sure how can we have a recovery when the criminals are still in the Dail running things with their crony-ism and their expenses and Ivor Callely is suing the Seanad because a few of them had the guts to call him what he is which is a chancer and a liar and a thief and the bastard is now fighting it when he should be in Mountjoy which is awful overcrowded and theres six people in a one person room and the drugs are everywhere and they're all talking on their mobiles and ringing joe and organizing their criminal Costa empires.

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