Saturday, September 25, 2010


We the People of This Country are Disgusted,

I think it's fair to say we've hit a new low in this country sure aren't the sacked ministers getting a 25 grand bailout on our dime and sure aren't they being paid for incompetence and cronyism and destroying this country and aren't we now paying the very people who wronged us in the first place and sure look at Seany today he says he only makes a tenner a week but sure the wife has a load of money shoved under the bed and sure he wont go hungry not like the ordinary decent people who are out of a job because of his gambling with the money of the People of This Country and Fianna Fail and Lenihan would have us believe that we've had some sort of remarkable turnout well it is remarkable that we cant beg borrow or steal the money we need to keep this country running and they're talking about a double dip recession which will only hurt the people more and sure theres no cause for celebration in this country you cant turn on the news without finding something new to be depressed about and sure there was a time when we were poor but happy and now we're poor again but were not happy thats for sure.

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