Friday, November 12, 2010


We the People of This Country are Disgusted,

Turning on the radio in the mornings you could be forgiven for getting confused between the Irish bond yields and Cowen's approval rating well I tell you I'm surprised at how high both of them are sure isn't the country about to go bust and the only people we can borrow from are those fellas who send you dodgy emails from foreign places and everyones saying that we can't pay the debt and isn't that one Merkel going on about how Ireland is in the toilet but sure we owe her a lot shes holding the country together with both hands and sure isn't Germany doing well but thats because they never had Fianna Fail to ruin their boom with the corruption and the cronyism and that awful Charlie McCreevy with his tax cuts well you can't cut taxes and increase spending you big thick smug mentaller you should have been sent packing back in 1998 and sure it's a terrible pity we voted out John Bruton sure there was an honest man who did good him and Ruari Quinn ran the country well and just because they tried to put a tax on children's shoes and look at the fellas we put in instead led by that scoundrel Bertie and the deregulating arseholes the PDs although poor Harney was attacked again and there were eejits throwing cheese at her and I know the cheese thing was off the wall but thats no excuse to start lashing Charleville at the poor woman even if she is supporting FIANNA FAIL.

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