Thursday, November 4, 2010


We the People of this Country are Disgusted,

God Almighty have you heard about your man Prendeville the papers are saying he exposed himself on a plane he did a lot more than that and you can't be doing that on an airplane of all places he's telling us that he doesn't remember how he even got to the airport but Neil you told us that you took more Nurofen Plus before you got on the plane the People of this Country know for a fact you're telling fibs the biggest fib of all is that the drink and the tablets made you do what you did they didn't you're just sick in the head and Harney is after having red paint thrown at her now she mightn't be the best of the lot but it's hardly fair and sure it's that filthy Eirigi crowd who are after making an awful mess of that march on Wednesday about the fees the march was a terrible idea anyway from the get-go sure aren't the cuts coming no matter what we do and the People of this Country don't want to stop people going to college but better that than never see their bloody pensions and that Wagner would they ever vote him off X-Factor it's ridiculous at this stage only it'd be a shame to see him go before that fool Louis Walsh can even say his name properly Mary Byrne is just great and so long as she hangs in there at least we'll have one Irish person who isn't making a show of the country by playing with their privates in public.

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