We the People of this Country are Disgusted,
On the streets today the People expressed their anger with the government and Brian Cowen and the rest of them chancers who are putting us under a prison sentence of 6.7% that we'll never pay off and our children's children will still be hammering away at the 92% High Cost Fund Surcharge Maxi Tax in order to pay back the 200 BILLION that we've pawned the country to the IMF for and sure the march was great but what wasn't great was that chancer David Begg you champagne socialist you lay down with Fianna Fail during the boom times and you make a ridiculous wage you should be shunted out along with the rest of them and it's terrible to see us on the front page of every international paper and the only thing to knock us off was the Koreans at each other and god I hope it doesn't turn into something worse that last thing we need is another war and that might be even worse than 13 years under Fianna Fail and things are so bad that the weather has started to copy the mood of the country and Jesus isn't it well cold and just as I'm saying this it's started to snow outside well pretty soon we'll have revolution and war and the overthrow of the government and it'll be exactly like that film Dr.Zhivago.
Stop vandalising the feckin' toilets in the Lecky ye bunch of gallutes!