Monday, December 27, 2010

2010: Heroes and Villains

Dear Friends,

Here we are, at the end of the first year of this little project. We have at times had some laughs. But it's also fair to say that there have been times this year when we have become more angry than we ever thought possible. 2010 was by no one's standards a good year. It saw both the destruction of Irish sovereignty and the death of Irish hopes. From the Brian's to the Chilean Miners, we highlight ten people who defined this year, for good or ill.


5) The Rubberbandits

A late incluson into the list, these Limerick based jokers proved that there is in fact no level of satire at which there will not be a moral panic on Joe Duffy's Liveline. They are just now reaching the apex of their popularity, as their lament 'Horse Outside' is slated to be Ireland's Christmas Number One (Editors note: Sadly, that awful Matt Cardle thing won instead). Not to mention their biggest fan, this fine fellow: 

The mustachioed former minister called them 'hilariously funny' and and that they filled him with 'great pride about the fact that two local lads, who are obviously very intelligent and very, very musically orientated and can be very, very funny, have the prospect of topping the charts at Christmas and beating the guy who won 'The X Factor'. An appearance on the Late Late Show, as well as a star turn explaining the intricacies of metaphor and satire to bewildered Liveline listeners, and Blindboy Boat Club and Mr.Chrome are on top of the world. 

Well, Limerick anyway.

4) Julian Assange 

This entry represents a startling 'chas timpeall' on the part of the People of this Country team. While Initially we felt that Mr.Assange and his Wikileaks were being reckless in their airing of various nations dirty laundry, and that people lives may be at risk, these fears turned out to be unfounded. Furthermore, the leaks implicated one Gerry Adams in the 2004 bank robbery. Now of course we all knew that the bold Gerry and his mate Martin were fully aware of this little caper, but it was extremely nice to see it all laid out in black and white. We tip our collective hats to you, Julian, even if you are in a spot of 'tribloid' with the law at the moment (or more accurately, with the CIA).

3) The Chilean Miners

Since the days of 9/11 we have had the phenomenon known as the rolling news story. Whether it's a flood, an earthquake or a coup you can always turn on Sky News to find that there is a story 'breaking' for about three weeks or so. Not until this wonderful tale was there such thing as a positive rolling story. As each one was lifted to safety (and book deals) the collective world cheered. Now there's a government that works.

2) Angry People 

From Pat Rabbitte to that fella in Canada. From cement mixers to cherry-pickers. From Liveline to the Frontline, the best People of this Country were those who just plain went mental. For a year of such awfulness, we saw precious little protest, and the only people who did protest were doing it out of their own self interest. The visceral anger was cathartic when it happened, and we need a lot more of it next year.

1) Mary Byrne 

The top spot had to be reserved for Ballyfermot's favourite daughter. In a year with so much bleakness and awful tidings Mary provided a glimmer of hope. Just a glimmer. I myself have never watched the X Factor, but I was assured by my colleague J. Murtagh that Mary was quote 'absolutely amazing so she was and there were people saying that she wasn't a good singer and that she wasn't cut out for this but she proved them wrong and fair play to Louis I dont normally like him but sure he's better than that Simon Cowell and don't get me started on Cheryl Cole...'. It continues in that vein for some time. WE wanted people to vote for mary, and they did, and here she is. I award her the Official People of This Country Gold Medal of Heroism for the year 2010. Hats off to this wonderful 'callín'.


5) The Guys who Killed the Kangaroo

Disgusting. Utterly disgusting. This was during that period of this year that Irish news went completely off the rails. Suddenly it was impossible to tell the Metro Herald from the Onion as tales of Animal abuse and insanity ran rampant in the Irish psyche. None was more disgraceful that this case, in which a number of men killed a kangaroo by feeding it ecstasy and alcohol at a deranged 'party'. What more can be said about this group of reprobates that has not already been splashed across countless tabloids. Scum. 

4) George Lee

Lest We Forget. It seems a long time ago now that little boy George decided that his big brother Enda wasn't letting him play with his toys, and walked the plank of the S.S. Fine Gael. Mixed metaphors aside, George Lee's journey from bust-predicting wonderboy to washed up never-been was both magnificently quick and painfully disillusioning. There will be no easy exits from this economic black pit we find ourselves in, and no Moses to bring us to any promised land. George's retreat to the safe haven of RTE proved that no matter how incompetent the current crop of politicians is, they are not about to be displaced by a weedy bespectacled interloper on holidays from his real job.

3) Everyone Except Mary Byrne on the X-Factor

Cher for getting voted ahead of Mary. Katie for being Katie. Matt for winning and still being shite. Rebecca for not winning when she should have. One Direction for their crude remarks to Matt. Simon for doubting Mary. Louis for calling everyone a star and not just Mary. The people for not voting for MARY.

2) Michael Lowry and Jackie Healy-Rae 

Some fiddled while Rome burned. Others tried to sell their buckets of water for a few pieces of silver. While this country went farther and farther down the tubes all these two CLOWNS cared about was their potholes and their Shanghai-on-Shannon Casinos. There were many this year who disgraced the office of TD but perhaps none more so than this pair of rural chancers who thought to prostitute their votes to the highest bidder. People of Kerry South, I implore you, when the little mini-me version of Jackie goes up this spring, send him and his flat cap back where they came from. 

1) The Brians

Lenihan and Cowen. Not since Laurel and Hardy have a couple made such an unholy bags of a job they were handed. What can you really say about Brian and Brian Eile? At the beginning of this year, things were bad. Now, things are far worse. In between there was the Magnificent Growing Bailout, The Eternal Corner Turn and of course, the country was pawned a few weeks ago. These two messers will go down as the worst partnership in the country's history, and even now they cling to power like the political barnacles that they are. Out out out the country cries, but still we are stuck in a bizarre interregnum, in which a government with support in single digits still holds sway. A spring election will deliver its verdict, but until then, we must wait. 

(J.Murtagh provided additional coverage)

Thursday, December 16, 2010


We the People of this Country are Disgusted,

There was a Labour fella on the radio tonight and he said that after they passed the banking bill that Brian Lenihan is now dictator of Ireland and surely thats going a bit far I mean he is a total arsehole and he fecked up the Country with his Fianna Fail cronies and they should be turfed out of office but it's a bit much to start comparing him to Stalin or Hitler or one of those fellas in the Congo I mean he's not even wearing any special hat or anything and this is just like after the budget when the red tops had a picture of him in a Nazi uniform and thats going a bit far and sure at least he isn't a sleazy fecker like your man Berlusconi and he's nothing like our Ber thats Ber Cowen who was a fine man and sure wouldn't he be disgusted at his son clinging to power just like Berlusconi and they say he should have been out but he handed a load of them brown envelopes out and now he's still in and they were rioting on the streets of Rome and it's more than we're doing sure we should be rioting after what was done to this Country by the Bankers and the Developers and FIANNA FAIL.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


We the People of this Country are Disgusted,

Ah here now the papers today are shouting that Gerry Ryan died of a cocaine overdose and that may well be true but the man has been dead for ages now would you not leave him in peace and I know he was obnoxious and an idiot to do cocaine but surely he's paid the ultimate price and theres no need to plaster his face all over the red tops and sure it's just like that Katie French one except that this time we're practically digging up the man to start our moralizing at him and sure it was great to see a bit of a thaw in the weather just like there was a thaw at that climate conference and sure I don't understand it but it sounds good and the only problem is that theres more snow for next week so maybe we need a bit of climate change here anyway whats for sure is we need a change of government they say that Fianna Fail have given Cowen a vote of confidence well I don't care if Fianna Fail supported Hitler it doesn't mean he has the support of the Country or the People or anyone at all.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


More effing snow sure didn't we all think that it was terrific that we were getting a bit of snow and RTE running their 10-minute snow photo slide show to give us a bit of a break from the gloom or the Gloomtimes as some are calling it aren't we more like themselves in Iceland every day first the banks then the snow what's next for this little isle well this afternoon we'll have the Budget 2011 no better day to have it than on the anniversary of the Pearl Harbour cause that's what it is a bunch of foreigners flying in and ruining our lives but you can't really blame them it was Bertie and the lads who invited them it was only a matter of time and now we have to fix this Country but what doesn't need fixing is that X-Factor cause it's already fixed sure they said they weren't even going to have a sing-off but then Mary Byrne got more votes than they expected and they had to rig the whole thing to get that filthy little shit Cher through but sure it's no surprise the English have been underestimating us from day one well you can kick Mary out of your little competition but she's not going back to work in your Tesco empire if there is one job left in this country that woman should get it and if I had my way it would be the office of An Taoiseach.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Spirit of the Boom: Patio Heaters

Good evening, dear friends. Today I'm happy to announce a new regular feature here on the People of This Country: 'The Spirit of the Boom'. The SotB as we like to call it remembers a time not so long past but one that seems more distant than ever. I am of course referring to the Boomtimes. The Celtic Tiger. Ireland's Economic Miracle. The dream that became a nightmare.

While we here at the PotC rightly decry the horrendous ineptitude and cronyism that made our economy collapse like a poorly built two-up two-down in Lakeview Pine Manor Terrace, that does not stop us from reminiscing about that wonderful time when, to quote one notable commentator: 'We were all millionaires'. I will be presenting tonight's SotB. The column may be written in subsequent weeks by one of our fantastic staff writers, or perhaps by some special guests. I do hope that this feature affords us all some measure of respite from the daily grinding crushing ordeal that is living in Modern Eirinn.

The Spirit of the Boom: Patio Heaters

Tonight we cast our minds back to ages past. To that brief period around 2003 or so, when the People of this Country decided to heat the outdoors.

Yes, truly it was a golden age. A shout went up through the land. While we may not have Mediterranean weather, we could all have Al Fresco parties. The notorious Irish climate no longer intruded on the soirees that were surely our solemn birthright. Hail, rain or 'sneacta' you would be sitting pretty. A quick trip down to Woodies (to hell with it, B and Q, and hang the expense!) would net you a magnificent specimen, in shining silver or glorious green. Resembling a small, metallic, misshapen tree that didn't look anything like a tree, this wonderful machine would render even the most frigid decking a tropical paradise, where one's milieu could sit until the wee hours of the morning, sipping west coast cooler and discussing one's new Bulgarian 'house' (250,000 Euro, plus assorted bribery fees).

Perhaps the thought entered some peoples heads that someday, if we all turned on our heaters at once, and cranked up the power, that we would permanently increase Ireland's temperature, and our quest to become the California of Western Europe would be complete! Then just think of the possibilities! We could have our own version of the Hills! We could wander around in chinos and polo shirts! We could use words like 'Dude' and 'Awesome' and 'Totes'! With this in mind a good number of our more impressionable youth got ahead of themselves, and put the cart somewhat before the horse.

So what killed this Utopian dream? Well it is perhaps tempting to say 'The Recession' and leave it at that. the truth however is more complicated. The proverbial rot had metaphorically set in long before the first cries of 'Bailout' and 'NAMA'. The Patio Heater had the ill fortune to go up against a power far greater than itself. The awesome force of Middle Class Smugness.

The 2000's were the years we all went 'Green'. We cut our carbon footprint and began to 'care' about the earth. Global Warming was on everyone's lips. Now of course this didn't extend to cancelling our dozen or so international flights a year, or installing a functioning public transport system, or seriously investing in an alternative energy infrastructure, or changing our lifestyle habits one tiny little bit, or indeed anything that would make a substantial difference in halting the devastation of Climate Change. No, but god help us if we were to see an incandescent bulb dangling from our ceilings.

A middle aged woman would step out into her friend's garden, and suddenly a smirk would cross her features. 'Oh', she would say, 'you still use a Patio Heater? I suppose you don't care about our children's future.'

Shame. Shame upon you and your 2.5 kids and your Toyota Prius and your CFLs. The next day the patio heater was hidden deep in the recesses of your shed, or consigned forlornly to the skip, along with the fridge which you had decided to replace with an 'American style' version for reasons that never became apparent.

I for one, will mourn it's loss. This noble gas-powered giant kept many a smoker warm in it's all too brief time on this earth. You abandoned your friend because he wasn't cool anymore, and you should all be ashamed of yourselves. Good night, dear Patio Heater. you will be missed.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Poem, for these dark times.

Good afternoon dear friends. I have returned to you. I wish to share with you a poem, an excerpt from my latest poetry collection: 'Tis Pity She's a Fianna Fail Voter', which will be available from TOD Publishing in time for Christmas. You may not agree with my 'meter' but surely you will agree with the sentiment. I hope you enjoy.

'The Big Freeze.'

The sneactha is falling,
It covers the land.
Our loss of sovereignty galling,
But we need the helping hand.

No man of any party,
Of any creed or race,
Can save us from the bailouts,
Can help us save face.

For the Bankers and the developers,
The Brians one and and all,
Have destroyed this fair Island,
A fate none can stall.

If Ber Cowen were alive today
If his ghost could rise once more,
I know not what he would say,
to see the youth gone by the score.

But his son is the one who doomed us,
This we must not forget,
Some say to throw him under a bus,
Some shake their heads in regret.

The Big Freeze sets in,
There is no end in sight,
There is no way to win,
And this year was frankly shite.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


We the People of this Country are Disgusted,

On the streets today the People expressed their anger with the government and Brian Cowen and the rest of them chancers who are putting us under a prison sentence of 6.7% that we'll never pay off and our children's children will still be hammering away at the 92% High Cost Fund Surcharge Maxi Tax in order to pay back the 200 BILLION that we've pawned the country to the IMF for and sure the march was great but what wasn't great was that chancer David Begg you champagne socialist you lay down with Fianna Fail during the boom times and you make a ridiculous wage you should be shunted out along with the rest of them and it's terrible to see us on the front page of every international paper and the only thing to knock us off was the Koreans at each other and god I hope it doesn't turn into something worse that last thing we need is another war and that might be even worse than 13 years under Fianna Fail and things are so bad that the weather has started to copy the mood of the country and Jesus isn't it well cold and just as I'm saying this it's started to snow outside well pretty soon we'll have revolution and war and the overthrow of the government and it'll be exactly like that film Dr.Zhivago.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


We the People of This Country are Disgusted,

Occasionally there comes a time when the combined and undirected rage of the People comes together into a focused beam of anger and tonight the target is the four year plan ah here now lads this is the final nail in the coffin of Fianna Fail as if it wasn't enough that that chancer Bertie took us to the brink of the cliff and Cowen pushed us off now he's kicking our lifeless corpse and the stuff that's in this plan would make you vomit up your macaroon bars they're talking about cutting a euro off the minimum wage well that may not sound like a lot to you Mr.Cowen with your fourteen pensions and your ministerial cars but a euro an hour is a big deal when you're living on the breadline and they're now TAXING these people again so they have you coming and going and there's a lot of talk about the minimum wage how about a MAXIMUM WAGE BRIAN how about you take some of this pain you were talking about but you never will you bloody corrupt awful thing you're taxing people to oblivion you're cutting people's pay you're slashing services you're DESTROYING THIS COUNTRY and we the People will vote you and your rotten party out of existence if we have any backbone at all you need to get out get out get out NOW not March not January NOW.

Monday, November 22, 2010


We the People of This Country are Disgusted,

Finally after two years of making excuses and hiding behind their windmills the Greens aren't supporting Fianna Fail anymore and we might get an election in January but Cowen still thinks he'll last til February or March and no you won't Mr.Cowen you need to LEAVE NOW you're not wanted anymore you've lost the support of the People you've lost the support of the Greens you've even lost the support of your own party you're the worst Taoiseach this country has ever had bar none and that's saying something you awful eejit you need to feck off back to whatever hole you came from you're party is about to be destroyed and it's game over the jig is up you need to LEAVE.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

'Ireland's Sovereignty is Dead and Gone, It's With Ahern in the Cupboard.'

Dear Friends,

I know that I previously stated that I would 'stay out of the way' and let the wise words of Peter and J. wash over you but there comes a time when one can no longer 'stay silent'.

As I write this, 'high-ups' in the EU and the IMF sit in Leinster House, pulling the reins of government, as Brian Cowen and the rest of his Fianna Fáil cronies bow down to outside influence, and sacrifice the hard won sovereignty that we have held for the last 'hocht blian'. What follows now is a situation too dark to contemplate.

And yet contemplate it we must, for we are about to live this nightmare. What awful measures will be exercised by the faceless Eurocrats who now hold sway over this beautiful republic? Will our gloriously low corporation tax, 'an cáin chorporáide', enshrined in De Valera's constitution all those years ago, be forced to cruelly high European standards? Will they cut public sector pay, crudely and inexpertly? Most importantly, what of the Irish Language?

Our proud and noble gaeilge has long been a thorn in the side of the EU. They fear and mistrust this lilting tongue, trapped as they are in their guttural dialects. I, as a guardian and protector of our native Irish, will lay down my life, my very life, in it's defence. The 'Cead Míle Failte's' wil ring out over this land until the end of time.

But really the EU are merely bit players in this weeks farce. We cannot blame those outsiders for a problem which originated within these shores. I bear no real ill will towards the European Union, not in the face of the terrible monsters that lie much closer to home.

Certain trinities, triumvirates if you will, spring to mind. Insidious tripods holding up the demons of corruption, gombeenism and despair. Not least The Bankers, The Developers and Fianna Fáil. Not Forgetting Fianna Fáil, The PDs and The Greens. But none worse than Bertie Ahern, Charlie McCreevy and Brian Cowen.

McCreevy, the man who defied the advice of the sensible men of Europe, cutting taxes and deregulating until the banks were as free as a bird to gamble with the money of the People in their insidious little casino on Merrion Street. He deserves more scorn than he gets, that much is certain.

Cowen, who even at this late stage, as he goes down as the worst Taoiseach in history, the man who sold Ireland, will not apologise. He retains the arrogance that was his hallmark during his reign as Finance Minister. Enough words have been spent in the national media about this pathetic, shambling, half-drunk dunce of a man.

But we must focus our attentions on the true culprit. One Bartholomew 'Bertie' Ahern. Leaving aside for the minute his gross corruption, his 'lack' of a bank account, his ludicrous stories of winning money on horses, let us place the weight of the blame upon his shoulders. This man 'led' the country for eleven long years. Under his tenure we went from a well regulated, sensible economy, on the up from a flood of American investment, to a bloated, under-taxed false boom country, about to fall off the precipice that he led us to the very brink of. Nothing speaks louder than his comments near the end of his tenure, his response to those who dared to question his insane policies:

It is not fair to tar all politicians with this same brush. Some in the opposition, though far from perfect, are at least honest, decent people. Deputy Rabbitte's thundering denouncement of the government this week warmed my heart to no end.

So on this saddest of days, in the blackest of weeks, in the worst of years I give you my endorsement for the General Election which is sure to come. It is simply this: Anyone But Fianna Fáil. I care not if you vote for the Irish equivalent of the Nation of Islam, as long as you don't ever give this fetid, corruption-marinated, idiotic, borderline insane crowd of smug self-satisfied arseholes another chance, in my life or yours.

Yours, with great sorrow,

Thómáis Ó Donnághchínnéitígdh.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


We the People of This Country are Disgusted,

Well now it looks like the end of the line for Ireland the EU are coming in to bail us out and sure everyones complaining but it has to be done and at least it's not just the IMF and the EU are our friends and they might show a bit of restraint when it comes to cutting spending and sure aren't Fianna Fail cutting spending enough already and there's no other option we have to take the money and it'll be bad for a few years but at least we'll know what we're doing and sure wasn't it a bit of a bright spark when Munster beat those Aussies better than the Irish Rugby team struggling against Samoa well the All Blacks are coming and you won't be happy when they destroy you and in all this talk of Bailouts and recession and X Factor we've forgotten that this Large Hadron Collider has created the Big Bang 2 or whatever and they say it's the biggest science experiment ever and it's wonderful and will lead to a heap of new advances but you wouldn't know that to read the news they're too fixated on the bailouts and the NAMA and the EU and the IMF and FIANNA FAIL.

Monday, November 15, 2010


We the People of This Country are Disgusted,

Jesus Christ holy Mary mother of God that Louis Walsh and his cohorts are making an absolute mockery of the People of This Country with Wagner and that awful wan Katie still in it they're only trying to annoy us and they're gerrymandering the X-Factor votes to make more money isn't it awful and Gerry Adams running for election in Louth now just when we thought Dail Eireann was as big a sham and a joke as it could ever be in swans himself but fair play to Aung San Suu Kyi she's been in there an awfully long time fair dues when she was put away Ireland was in what WE THOUGHT was the worst recession there could ever be and isn't it shocking awful luck to be set free when the economy everywhere is in such a terrible state she'd have been well advised to keep her head down a few more years until it all calms down a bit.

Friday, November 12, 2010


We the People of This Country are Disgusted,

Turning on the radio in the mornings you could be forgiven for getting confused between the Irish bond yields and Cowen's approval rating well I tell you I'm surprised at how high both of them are sure isn't the country about to go bust and the only people we can borrow from are those fellas who send you dodgy emails from foreign places and everyones saying that we can't pay the debt and isn't that one Merkel going on about how Ireland is in the toilet but sure we owe her a lot shes holding the country together with both hands and sure isn't Germany doing well but thats because they never had Fianna Fail to ruin their boom with the corruption and the cronyism and that awful Charlie McCreevy with his tax cuts well you can't cut taxes and increase spending you big thick smug mentaller you should have been sent packing back in 1998 and sure it's a terrible pity we voted out John Bruton sure there was an honest man who did good him and Ruari Quinn ran the country well and just because they tried to put a tax on children's shoes and look at the fellas we put in instead led by that scoundrel Bertie and the deregulating arseholes the PDs although poor Harney was attacked again and there were eejits throwing cheese at her and I know the cheese thing was off the wall but thats no excuse to start lashing Charleville at the poor woman even if she is supporting FIANNA FAIL.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hello, Welcome and Cead Míle Fáilte

A note from our president and editor, Thómáis Ó Donnághchínnéitígdh,

Hello, Welcome and Cead Míle Failte to The People of This Country. My name is Thómáis Ó Donnághchínnéitígdh and I am the Founder, President and Chief-Editor of this little "Venture". You may have enjoyed the opinions and wise words of our staff writers over the past few weeks, I certainly have (!). Mr. Murtagh and Mr. Prendergast are not exactly "P.C." but they speak with the true voice of the people.

Yes, 'na Daoine atá Ísteach sa Tireanna Sin' (The People of This Country), thats what it's all about. We here at the People feel that the voices of This Particular Country have gone unheard for rather too long. While you may say 'Marbh le Tae agus Marbh gan é', we remain confident that our "small" contribution will go "a long way" towards getting this country back on the "right track".

You won't be hearing much from me on this little "Blogosphere", I will leave the "Grass-Roots Rhetoric" to my friends Mr.Prendergast and Mr.Murtagh. They say more with their simple words than I ever could with one of my extended Manx Gaelic poems, although the good people at the Áosdána might disagree (!).

With that in mind I should introduce our august writing staff, as the bard says, 'Ar Scath a Cheile a Mhaireann na Daoine'.

Peter Prendergast (B.A. Hons) is a longtime Dubliner who has never been reticent in airing his views. He is a much respected expert in the areas of Popular Dissent and Ethical Engagement. He serves as the "Moral Compass" of the blog, frequently "bringing us down to earth" when our rhetoric becomes obsessively "Duaisceart". He will deal with a wide range of subjects, from the Bank Bailouts to the rescue of Anglo-Irish, and everything in between (!).

J.Murtagh (B.Sc) is a Kerryman from just west of Valencia Island. He has a wide variety of interests, including confrontation, dispute and discourse (both healthy and unhealthy). He currently lives on a combination of the old age pension and a college grant but his views on the welfare state are just to the right of Margaret Thatcher. To quote himself 'Spongers like me are destroying this Country.' Murtagh has some surprisingly Socialist views, but only when it comes to the topic of whether he should be forced to pay for anything. Failing to make the distinction between those who have traveled and members of the Travelling Community, Murtagh is inherently suspicious of those who carry a passport, or have traveled beyond the Kerry frontier.

With that dispensed, let me tell you a story. One year ago, on the then embryonic discussion program 'The Frontline', a brave and noble being stood as a bulwark against the corrosive and entropic force of presenter Pat Kenny. On that day the founding spirit of this site was born, as Peter, J. and myself spontaneously decided to break our self imposed vows of silence and speak out. This man was the driving force behind us, his spirit keeping us going at times that all we wanted to do was quit. I leave you only with the video of the incident, and with the words of the great Greek philosopher Aristotle who stated 'Ní raibh bhRome deanta isteach aon lá'.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


We the People of This Country are Disgusted,

Ah here come on now is the government trying to be ridiculous they come out with a plan to give free cheese to poor people well you must be joking me the People of This Country not able to afford Christmas presents for the kids because of Fianna Fail and Cowen and now he tells us it'll be alright because he's giving us cheese well you can sod off with your cheese you big ignorant thick and sure the People are about to deliver their verdict in Donegal but where are the other three elections and wheres the general election Cowen the People want you out of office and at least that McDaid had the decency to bow out but sure isn't he getting an awful big pension well you'll all be on pensions now because we're voting you out and there's a storm about to hit Dublin but it's nothing compared to the storm that'll hit FIANNA FAIL.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


We the People of this Country are Disgusted,

God Almighty have you heard about your man Prendeville the papers are saying he exposed himself on a plane he did a lot more than that and you can't be doing that on an airplane of all places he's telling us that he doesn't remember how he even got to the airport but Neil you told us that you took more Nurofen Plus before you got on the plane the People of this Country know for a fact you're telling fibs the biggest fib of all is that the drink and the tablets made you do what you did they didn't you're just sick in the head and Harney is after having red paint thrown at her now she mightn't be the best of the lot but it's hardly fair and sure it's that filthy Eirigi crowd who are after making an awful mess of that march on Wednesday about the fees the march was a terrible idea anyway from the get-go sure aren't the cuts coming no matter what we do and the People of this Country don't want to stop people going to college but better that than never see their bloody pensions and that Wagner would they ever vote him off X-Factor it's ridiculous at this stage only it'd be a shame to see him go before that fool Louis Walsh can even say his name properly Mary Byrne is just great and so long as she hangs in there at least we'll have one Irish person who isn't making a show of the country by playing with their privates in public.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


We the People of this Country are Disgusted,

So Lady Gaga is after having a wedding cake in Dublin sure it's awful decadent and disgusting to be charging people so much to see her perform and then to be gorging on that and with no husband to show for it but people seem to like her all the same and in any case she's not like that crook Cowen telling us that we won't be a having a referendum on the Euro that's all well and good for you Mr Cowen but maybe that's what the People of this Country want you wouldn't have a clue because you've never asked them and now Fianna Fail want to get Packie Bonner elected in Donegal well he may have saved that penalty by the Romanians in Italia 90 but it's not Italia 90 any more its Eire 2010 and with the amount of people leaving the country we wouldn't mind letting in a few more Romanians.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


We the People of this Country are Disgusted,

So we wake up this morning and we see that Fianna Fail are at 18 percent in the polls 18 percent is like the kind of poll that the BNP have on a good day sure if you're leading the country you should at least have a higher approval rating than e-voting and sure I'm not surprised with the four Councillors arrested at the weekend and sure they were taking backhanders from businessmen and giving favours and all the sort of crap that Fianna Fail have been doing for years ever since that dead bastard Haughey and before and they're only carrying on a very fine Fianna Fail tradition and let me tell you Mister Donlydontonyfoxcolmmcgrathseangilbride you're scum who deserve to have the book thrown at you and sure look at the picture of Don Lydon doesn't he look like the sleaziest article you've ever seen and sure they should have locked him up years ago on suspicion of general awfulness.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


We the People of this Country are disgusted,

Ah here now this is way more than we thought it would be they're talking about 5 billion euros now that we have to cut out of the budget and I tell you something you won't find it in the pockets of the People of this Country they've paid enough how about looking for it from Seany and Fingers and David Drumm and the rest of the chancers who got us into this mess and you can't cut anymore out of the health service sure isn't it stretched so thin already and they'll just hit the poorest as usual the pensions and the child benefit and the dole and sure they won't hit the minister's pension or the money we dole out to them bunch of crooks and speaking of crooks we see now they brought a kangaroo into a nightclub and isn't the poor thing dead now and theres no excuse for that you cruel bastards you gave him drink and you can't be at that and these people should be locked up as well as the bankers and the developers and the whole of FIANNA FAIL.

Friday, October 15, 2010


We the People of This Country are Disgusted,

It was only a few days ago that all this bollocks we were getting from the Greens about an all party conference looked about as likely as Cowen giving up the drink but now its all we hear and sure isn't it the greatest bollocks we don't need a national government we need a general election sure I'm no fan of that Enda but he should be given a fair shot at it and we don't want everyone there just sitting down and agreeing and sure isn't it just another way of the Fianna Fail cronies to hang onto power as long as they can and then retire on their seven pensions as they're laughing at us and wasn't it fantastic to see all that about the miners and they're out and sure that's a government that knows it's priorities bailing out the miners instead of the banks and you wouldn't get that sort of thing here all you'd get is bailouts and NAMA and the Lisbon Treaty and fucking Millennium Candles sent around to every house.

Friday, October 8, 2010


We the People of This Country are Disgusted,

Ah I know I said it was a new low before but this is really a new low Bertie Ahern the former Taoiseach and the man who's responsible for destroying this country with his cronyism and his deregulation and giving backhanders to the developers and bailing out the banks and he should be ashamed of himself for what he did and then he has the NERVE to go write for the News of the World a terrible paper altogether about the football and what have you and then he doesn't even keep his head down he has the NECK to appear in one of their ads and the fella opens the cupboard and he see Bertie sitting there with a cup of fucking tea in his hand and he should be in handcuffs and how dare he destroy this country and degrade the office of Taoiseach and then turn around and think everything's alright and make jokes about being the most cunning the most devious of them all and it disgusts me and sends me into a rage that that pathetic little shit who destroyed this country gets off scot free and he isn't even ASHAMED.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


We the People of This Country are Disgusted,

And now look here someones crashed a cement mixer into the gates of the dail and sure theres no point in wrecking the dail sure isnt it in this country and they've already destroyed this country and sure they put 'Anglo Toxic Bank' on the side and that doesn't even make sense at all anglo didn't bring down the government because they're spineless and they dont have an honest bone between them and sure you could have hurt someone and they're calling it Cementgate which is fair enough and its more realistic to think you could destroy the government with a cement mixer than the governments plans to get 300,000 extra jobs from overseas they're not like dodgy ciggarettes Brian you cant just sneak jobs through immigration.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


We the People of This Country are Disgusted,

I think it's fair to say we've hit a new low in this country sure aren't the sacked ministers getting a 25 grand bailout on our dime and sure aren't they being paid for incompetence and cronyism and destroying this country and aren't we now paying the very people who wronged us in the first place and sure look at Seany today he says he only makes a tenner a week but sure the wife has a load of money shoved under the bed and sure he wont go hungry not like the ordinary decent people who are out of a job because of his gambling with the money of the People of This Country and Fianna Fail and Lenihan would have us believe that we've had some sort of remarkable turnout well it is remarkable that we cant beg borrow or steal the money we need to keep this country running and they're talking about a double dip recession which will only hurt the people more and sure theres no cause for celebration in this country you cant turn on the news without finding something new to be depressed about and sure there was a time when we were poor but happy and now we're poor again but were not happy thats for sure.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


We the People of This Country are Disgusted,

Ah we've hit a new low now isn't the leader of the country Brian Cowen turning up locked on the radio or hungover or whatever well he sounded rough in any case and they say he had had 8 pints and thats all very well and good if you're working in a office and you just have to hold out until lunchtime when you can have a bit of a kip in the breakroom but when you're leader of the country things are a bit different and you cant be at that when the bailouts are raging as they clearly are you're not at the races you're not playing the game and that Coveney fella was right to call him out as being off his hat while trying to convince us of why we should put more billions into Anglo and Seany's pockets and sure didn't we have a survey saying that the People support gay marriage and sure of course we do and sure we don't care if you're gay straight or otherwise as long as you don't vote Fianna Fail and you're not a banker or a developer and sure it wasn't the gays who ruined this country no matter what the IONA institute would have you believe bunch of moralizing chancers to a man.

Monday, September 13, 2010


We the People of This Country are Disgusted,

So now we hear from that spineless wimp Enda that he'll take 10 years to fix This Country well Enda you might not even get 1 year you arrogant piece of shite if you don't get your act together The People wont vote for you thats not to say that they'll vote for Fianna Fail bunch of chancers wont get my vote ever again and neither will the Greens they should have pulled out long ago when they still had a scrap of decency to them and I don't care if they built a few windmills they stood idly by when the bailouts were in force and that John Gormless doesn't have enough brains to fill one of those Eco bulbs they keep forcing us to use and it turns out that Triggs is alive praise God but you scared the living daylights out of poor Roy Keane and sure hasn't he enough problems without saying his poor dog is dead and he's not half as dead as the Irish banking system and that robber Cowen is now saying we wont know the full cost until October well some of us cant just wait around and hope everything is alright Brian some of us have jobs and families and if you're not careful you might be turfed out in favour of Enda and then where will we be?

Saturday, September 11, 2010


We the People of Ireland are disgusted,

We're here, on the anniversary of one of the worst terrorist attacks ever, and there were 4000 people killed and it was awful and its a day of remembrance and not the hate that the people that are there burning the Koran are doing and theres nothing worse than just adding more hate to the hate that was directed at you and you'll achieve nothing and you'll just be a bigot and its a terrible idea much like the bailouts that they're now saying are the worst in the world bar none even in america they haven't had to bailout as much or spend as much and isn't that bastard Willie O Dea saying that he'll run again in the next election even after that thing with the gun and the affidavit that he changed well you cant change an affidavit Willie, and aren't you a lawyer you should know that but sure they're all lawyers and that hasn't stopped them being the most ineffective corrupt and desperate bunch of chancers ever to squat in Leinster house and I've said it before and I'll say it again Ireland is the most corrupt country in the world and the only one who isn't is Brian Lenihan and Mary McAleese wasn't she great the other day meeting Medvedev in Russia and she really gives a great impression of the country as a whole and it'll be a shame to lose her next year but sure we'll have another president and hopefully they wont support the bailout ridden politics of today.

Friday, September 10, 2010


We the People of This Country are disgusted,

As if it wasn't bad enough to be losing millions a day on a failed bank that were now separating into a bad bank and an even worse bank we're now told that we cant borrow money because all the other countries know that our government and the bankers are a load of chancers who cant be trusted with the money that they need to bail themselves out of the situation that they created and meanwhile Wayne Rooney and the the wife are having a fight because he slept with a load of prostitutes and hes asking her to take him back and were ignoring the tragic death this week of Triggs, the beloved dog of Roy Keane, and the only one who stayed faithful when he was vilified by the press and the media who are now telling us that the country is even worse that Iceland and each person in Iceland owes a hundred thousand euro and if you multiply that by the number of people in Ireland we owe at least a couple of trillion euros and they're telling us that we're in recovery well I don't see too many jobs being created and the Anglo doesn't look like its ending any time soon and sure how can we have a recovery when the criminals are still in the Dail running things with their crony-ism and their expenses and Ivor Callely is suing the Seanad because a few of them had the guts to call him what he is which is a chancer and a liar and a thief and the bastard is now fighting it when he should be in Mountjoy which is awful overcrowded and theres six people in a one person room and the drugs are everywhere and they're all talking on their mobiles and ringing joe and organizing their criminal Costa empires.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


We the People of This Country are disgusted,

We already had to deal with the tragic loss of the great Mick Lally and in the same week as that brave man who would be disgusted to see how far this country has fallen passed away we get the news that the government of cronies and liars and thieves have pumped another ten billion IOUs into Anglo and now the experts are telling us to wind it down well we've been wound up by the bankers and the developers and Seany Fitz and the rest of them who drove this great country into the ground with their corruption that was allowed by a government of liars and cheats and only Brian Lenihan has a shred of decency with his address at Michael Collins' grave there last week and wouldn't Mick be disgusted to see the bastards in FAS being uncovered there to be corrupt and they were wasting the money of the tax payers on the PLC courses in basket weaving and their 1st class trips to wherever we'd be better off spending that money on getting a few people back to work in this country which has been totally destroyed by a culture of greed and waste perpetuated by a Fianna Fail/Banks/Developers led crash.